Seal of Macungie Borough
21 Locust Street / Macungie, Pa 18062 / 610-966-2503 / Fax: 610-966-2788
Macungie Borough
Macungie Borough
Macungie Borough
Macungie Borough
Macungie Borough
Macungie Borough
Macungie Borough
Macungie Borough
Macungie News
Macungie Borough is accepting Letters of Interest from Borough residents interested in serving on the Civil Service Board to fill a vacant position. The deadline for submission is December 31, 2024, at 4:00 pm. Interested persons must have lived in the Borough limits for at least one year prior to this appointment.

John Brown
Borough Manager

Macungie Borough is accepting Letters of Interest from Borough residents interested in serving on the Water Authority Board to fill a vacant position. The deadline for submission is December 31, 2024, at 4:00 pm. Interested persons must have lived in the Borough limits for at least one year prior to this appointment.

John Brown
Borough Manager

Macungie Borough Authority Requests Voluntary Water Conservation - 11/14/2024

On November 1, The Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection announced a Drought Watch for Lehigh County.

Following the Macungie Borough Authority meeting on November 14, 2024, the Authority has asked for voluntary water conservation for the Borough of Macungie.

Residents and businesses are encouraged to reduce their nonessential water use as much as possible. For example, at home there are many simple ways to use less water:

- Refrain from watering your lawn.

- Refrain from car washing. If you must wash your car, it's better environmentally to go to a drive-through car wash that recycles the water.

- Don’t let the faucet run while brushing your teeth or shaving. Take shorter showers. For example, consider not washing your hair daily.

- Run the dishwasher and washing machine less often, and only with full loads.

- Refrain from watering your garden.

- Sweep your sidewalk, deck, or driveway, instead of power washing or hosing it off.

- Check for and repair household leaks. For example, a leaking toilet can waste up to 200gallons of water daily. Quickly fixing a dripping faucet or running toilet is a great way to reduce water loss.

- Simply being mindful of how much water you use in everyday activities can lead to small changes that add up. The current Drought Conditions will take a significant amount of rainfall to make up for the deficit experienced over the last few months.

Again, the Macungie Borough Authority is asking for voluntary water conservation in the Borough of Macungie.

Lehigh County has issued a countywide open burning ban. For more information please click HERE.

If you're interested in honoring a Hometown Hero with a custom banner, please visit our Hometown Heros page.

Department of Public Works Workers employed by the Borough of Macungie are part of a department responsible for the general maintenance of the Borough’s public water, sewer and road systems, public buildings and grounds and public improvements network. Generally, each worker performs any of the routine maintenance tasks and rotates responsibility for on-call duty, including maintenance of the public water system. The position reports to and takes direction from the Department Supervisor.

The position is a full-time, hourly, union position. Primary duties include general maintenance of the Borough’s public water, sewer and road systems, public buildings and grounds and public improvements network. Duties are varied, require independence and good judgment.

The ideal candidate will possess a strong working knowledge of public water systems operation, road and street maintenance, public sewer system operations, possess a commercial driver’s license and have experience with commercial equipment operations.

For the complete Job Description, Application directions and form, please click HERE.

Macungie Borough is accepting Letters of Interest from Borough Residents interested in serving on the Zoning Hearing Board to fill a vacant alternate position. Deadline for submission is August 30, 2024, at 4:00 pm. Interested persons must have lived in the Borough limits for at least one year prior to this appointment.

If interested please submit by email to

Macungie Borough is accepting Letters of Interest from Borough Residents interested in serving on the Water Authority Board to fill a vacant position. Deadline for submission is August 30, 2024, at 4:00 pm. Interested persons must have lived in the Borough limits for at least one year prior to this appointment.

If interested please submit by email to

In preparation for rebuilding Church Street (Partial funding provided by PADOT), sidewalks and curbs need to be repaired to meet Borough Code. Below is some information to help you better understand the process.

1. Inspections will be happening in May and June of 2023 2. Letters indicating repairs will be going to homeowners between May and September

3. ALL inspections and letters are handled by the Borough Engineering Firm (BIA)

4. Letters will arrive in the mail and include drawings and pictures of the items needing repairs.

5. Repairs are the property owner’s responsibility.

6. Borough Hall does NOT provide letters or handle questions on the repairs.

7. All questions and meetings on the needed repairs will be handled by the Borough engineer after you receive the letter from the engineering firm.

8. Included in the letter will be instructions on how to appeal.

9. ALL appeals are heard by the Planning Commission, which makes a recommendation to the council.

10. The Borough Council will make the final determination on each appeal.

11. The repair deadline is normally 6 months from the day the letter is mailed, to provide the property owner extra time it was extended to June 2024.

12. Repair completion will be tracked by the engineering firm.


Resources are out there to help with financial difficulties. Pleas visit PA211.ORG for more information.

The Borough of Macungie Council meets at 7:30 p.m. on the first and third Mondays of each month, except for January 2, February 20, July 3, July 17 and September 4. The council will meet Tuesdays, January 3, February 21, Mondays July 10 and 24, and Tuesday September 5. Borough Council meetings are held in the Auditorium at the Macungie Institute, 510 E. Main Street, Macungie, PA, unless otherwise advertised.

Macungie Borough Planning Commission meets at 7:30 p.m. on the third Tuesday of each month when there are applications before the Commission.

Macungie Borough Authority meets at 7:00 p.m. on the second Thursday of each month as needed at the call of the Chair.

The Zoning Hearing Board meets at 7:30 p.m. on the second Wednesday of each month, when there are appeals before the Board.

All interested parties are invited to attend.

John A. Brown
Borough Manager

You can view the upcoming events at the Macungie Institute by clicking HERE

For more information on the West Nile virus please click HERE

Nixle is a notification system to keep you up to date with relevant information about the Borough, such as when snow emergencies are called.

Click HERE to sign up. Don't forget to sign up for the Borough Notification System (SMART911).

Welcome To Macungie Borough

Macungie is a Lenape Indian phrase signifying "The feeding place of the Bears" or, as it was translated by the early Pennsylvania German immigrants, "Baere Schwamm" (fertile meadow of the bears). The Macungie region was first settled by Pennsylvania German immigrants around the year 1735. The village of Millerstown, now the Borough of Macungie, was established in 1776 by Peter Miller of Upper Hanover Township, Montgomery County, when he purchased 150 acres of land along a King's Highway in what was then a portion of Northampton County.

On November 15, 1857, the village of Millerstown was incorporated as a borough. In 1875, the borough was renamed Macungie. Macungie (pronounced ma-CUN-gee) is the second oldest borough in Lehigh County, Pennsylvania. The Borough has a total area of 1.0 square mile.

Please feel free to contact us with your inquiries.

Macungie Circa 1893
© 2018 Macungie Borough, 21 Locust Street / Macungie, Pa 18062 / 610-966-2503
Information on this website is provided as a public service. Please read our disclaimer.
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